Das Schiebezoom macht auf den ersten Blick einen robusten Eindruck. Es ist aus Vollmetall und ohne nennenswerte Kratzer. Da es sich um ein Modell handelt, dass für die analoge Kleinbildkamera entwickelt wurde, verlängert sich die Brennweite um 1,6. Dies kommt vom CCD Chip im APS-C Format der D70.
My first visit to Poland took me to Toruń. Since I didn't have time to explore the city with my camera, my wife captured the atmosphere of the birthplace Kopernikus' photographically.
All photos are taken with the Canon Powershot S30. -->To the Toruń gallery
The photos are now edited, sorted and accessible online. The partly strong contrasts I have virtually dodged and replaced the sky in one photo. Amazing is the notlinear NL filter from Gimp from the Aerial photograph of the headland. (see GUM, page 477)
All photos are in full size. It is an already "old" Canon S30. The sharpness of the pictures leaves much to be desired. Whether this is due to the lack of resolution of 3,6 Megapixel or due to the bad optics I can not estimate. In any case, I am not very satisfied with the camera. Although otherwise I like the handling. -->The Madeira gallery